Mitzvah Projects

Mitzvah Projects

Make Mitzvah Projects More Meaningful with Jordan River Village

There are so many ways to do a mitzvah for sick children in Israel. If you are interested in a Bar/Bat Mitzvah project, a school project, a community project, or a birthday fundraising campaign please fill out our Inquiry Form to connect with us to start your project

Project Suggestions

(see more in our printable brochure)

  • Asking guests to make a donation in lieu of gifts
  • Donating a portion of your gifts
  • Hold a community fundraising event – such as a Gaga Tournament, a bake sale, or a performance
  • Make lanyards to hold nametags for all kids, volunteers, staff and parents
  • Create clay pendants as a thank you for volunteers and gifts for campers
  • Write letters to campers and volunteers
  • Write an article for your local paper or post on social media

Click here to see what others have done

How We Can Help You

Helping sick children experience the magical healing power of fun and friendship at camp is a mitzvah! When you choose the Village for your project, we will provide you with:

  • A profile of a camper so you can learn about their challenges and how life-changing the Village’s experience is for them
  • Images, videos and written materials
  • Assistance with planning a visit to see the Village
  • Provide you information for your invitations, speech, presentation, or D’var Torah

Giving Opportunities

Social Media

Feel free to share your project and process on social media and tag, link or share or page on yours.


Be inspired by these companies and organizations that we work with to bring the fun & friendship of camp to children in Israel with serious illnesses.

Please fill out our Inquiry Form to connect with us to start your project

Click here for our downloadable Mitzvah Brochure

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Support Our Efforts

We rely on our supporters to help us provide our children with life-changing opportunities.

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