Please read these directions all the way through before you jump in to the pattern and the cutting. This is considered to be a challenging pattern that takes an experienced sewer a few hours to complete.
For a print friendly version with the patterns click Bears for Israel Instructions
* If you are a 1sttime bear maker we recommend using one fabric to ensure your success. If you are a seasoned bear maker or want a challenge try two fabrics.
For a one-fabric arrangement | For a two-fabric arrangement |
The pattern pieces below distinguish | Please follow the piece numbers below |
how many pieces of each pattern shape | ♦ Fabric 1 (main fabric) = # |
you will need | ♦ Fabric 2 (accent fabric) = $ |
Head | Body | Arms |
E (side back head): cut 2 # | F (front body): cut 2 # | H (top arm): cut 2 # |
C (side front head): cut 2 # | G (back body): cut 2 # | I (bottom arm): cut 2 $ |
D (center back head): cut 1 $ | ||
B (center front head): cut 1 $ | ||
Ears | Feet | Legs |
A (ear): cut 4 $ | k (bottom foot): cut 2$ | J (leg): cut 2# |
Step 1: Body Fronts
Join body fronts, matching notches |
Step 2: Body Backs
Join body backs. Reinforce stitch approximately
1/8 between dots on each back piece. Join the remainder of the back seam. The opening in the back is to allow for stuffing later. |
Step 3: Front of Head
Join front side head pieces to front center head piece,
matching notches. Match the dots to form the nose (please refer to the bear photo to see a finished nose |
Step 4: Back of Head
Join back side head pieces to back center head piece
matching notches |
Step 5: Ears
For one ear, place two pieces with right sides together.
Stitch and turn right side out. Bring notches together to form a pleat and baste. Repeat for second ear. |
Step 6: Attach Ears to Head
Step 7: Arms
With right side of top arm piece and bottom arm
piece together, sew together, matching the notches. Turn and press. Repeat for second arm. |
Step 8: Body
Attach front body to back body at short side seam,
matching notches. Turn and press. |
Step 9: Attach Arms to Body
Set arms in body, matching dots to side seams
and matching notches. Be sure arms bend forward. |
Step 10: Legs
Fold the leg piece so that right sides are together.
Sew the seams. Reinforce the seams at the X mark.Clip the seams at the X. Turn right side out and press. Repeat for second leg. |
Step 11: Feet
Set in the bottom foot piece in the leg, matching
the notches. Repeat for second leg and bottom foot piece. |
Step 12: Finishing
Turn all body parts inside out so right sides are facing each other. Attach head to body, matching
chin seam to front seam. Attach legs to the body. |
You may have used many pins during your assembly and sewing. Please take your time to thoroughly check you bear and remove all pins.
Please mail or deliver your completed, unstuffed bear to:
American Friends of Jordan River Village Foundation
244 Madison Ave., Suite 482
New York, NY 10016
Please include a note with your name and address, so we can send you a thank you letter! Just throw in a note, and we will find it. There is no need to pin it to a bear – we do not want any pins in there after you took the time to remove all of your sewing pins!
After we receive your bear, we will collect them and get them to Jordan River Village in Israel (either by mail or through personal delivery). Once at the Village, volunteers will stuff and close the bear. Bears will then be distributed to campers.
Please call (888) 999-3054 or email
On behalf of our campers, thank you for your time, skills, and energy in making your Bear for Israel! We need many different types of help from many different people to keep camp going. You are now a part of the Jordan River Village family.
For a print friendly version with the patterns click Bears for Israel Instructions